I Am Going Back To #AVID

Okay So I may have been one of the last hold outs still using Final Cut Pro 7, and I give up! I decided that it was time to move on from FCP 7, I mean come on how can I still use a program that does use multiple processors or has the slowest most painful exports EVER. I thought I would give FCPX a try and seriously people use this? WHen you start FCPX not only do you have to create a library you then have to create a project as well. So its more efficient to have to do something twice? Then the worst thing in the world, a magnetic timeline. You spend more time fighting with that than anything else. Oh and once you do get the timeline the way you like it FCPX treats blank space between clips as something. Thats right Kiddies blank space is editable Woohoo, come on WTF. I could go on forever about the problems with FCPX but I am so over it I don’t even want to think about Final cut for another second! Apple I know you are making all of your money with mobile tech but please please stop turning everything into a giant mobile OS. I am going back to AVID and I can’t be happier about it.

Posted on January 22, 2016 in Evil, News, Reviews

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