Thats right Evil Genius Mediaworks did it again. We have updated our logo and are hoping that 2017 will be even better than 2016. As usual we would love to hear from you and what you think of our new logo.
Thats right Evil Genius Mediaworks did it again. We have updated our logo and are hoping that 2017 will be even better than 2016. As usual we would love to hear from you and what you think of our new logo.
So here it is our latest project. It was a really fun time shooting this workshop. Talk about a fun class, if you are looking for a great way to spend a Saturday Morning this is it. It is also kid friendly, and it is fun for them to see glass as they have never…
Happy Force Day! It seems like there have bean a lot of “Days” lately. Congratulations, my youth has now been completely annexed by corporations. Well played sirs!
Okay So I may have been one of the last hold outs still using Final Cut Pro 7, and I give up! I decided that it was time to move on from FCP 7, I mean come on how can I still use a program that does use multiple processors or has the slowest most…
It’s almost here! Time for candy, booze and evil frights. Have a great halloween, but let’s be honest tonight is Devils Night and we all know it’s a little more evil and fun. So from Evil Genius MediaWorks have a devilishly good time this weekend.
So the future is NOW! HA! I was 6 or 7 when we took the Universal Studios tour and we got to see the town square full of future goodies. That was a great summer and year for movies. 89′ gave us so many great films, Batman, Road House, Christmas Vacation, Weekend at Bernies. Holy…
That’s right kiddies we have a whole new logo. Hey if its good enough for Google and Verizon its good enough for Evil Genius Mediaworks. We have also added some functionality to our site. Have a look around and stay evil it is almost Halloween after all.
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